Company history

Danzai Software, with more than 40 years of experience on the sector, detected a huge need of a management software for hostelry and SMEs. After many years of developement and with a huge qualified team, we have developed the following softwares:

Dansap ERP, specialized on business management.

Techni-Web, specialized on restaurant and stores management. 

Both of them really competitive and updated frequently. We are constantly growing and opening to new markets, like the APP and web. 

We investigate business needs, test our softwares permanently, design the best user interface and communicate all kind of content so our customers have a good experience 360° during the use of our software. 

Our mission is helping you to join the digital transformation of your business. 

equipo danzai software

about us


Our team is formed by professionals from various specialities. We work in an inclusive environment where each employee can develop its greatest potential. 

Danzai Software has a financial team, technical team, software development team, and digital marketing team. All captained for their managers. Guided by the philosophy of our founder, Manel Aubó, Danzai Software was the first software development business in Girona. With more than 40 years of experience, we have worked with companies of multiple sectors around the world. 

Manel Aubó


Cèlia Lleopart


Anna Liébana

Help Desk Manager

Susana Garcia

Administrative Manager

Josep Font

Software Developer

Monica Borodi

Help Desk

Sergi Daranas

Software Development Manager

Pedro López

Software Developer

Álex Martir

Software Application Developer

Marc Ribugent

Web Development Manager

Susanna Castaño

Customer Service

Joan Oliva

Help Desk

Marc Oliva

Help Desk

Arnau Revés

Help Desk

Alba Taus

Design & Marketing Manager

Marc Lagresa

Web Developer

Josep A. Risco

Help Desk

¡Join the digital transformation of your business!


Carrer de la Serra de Vall – Lloreda, 4 

17003, Girona 

+34 972 30 60 30 

+34 91 129 09 07